Date: September 22, 2020

Khulisa discovered a handy table that helps you compare the characteristics of human subject research with other project types, in a bid to establish whether the research requires clearance from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Independent Ethics Committee (IEC).  

Download it in PDF format here.

International ethical statements

Khulisa is committed to conducting evaluations and research that upholds and adheres to ethical practice. There are a number of international research ethical statements. For example, our IRB approval for a current project adheres to the Singapore Statement on Research Ethics.

Training on ethics

Khulisa also provides regular training and briefings to staff, and ensures that all field workers are familiar with conducting ethical practices. We encourage everyone to be trained on the protection of human research participants. We recently undertook a staff quiz on the practice of ethics in our work.

Here is a quick link to free online training on the protection of human research participants.

