Date: November 9, 2021

In order to assess the credibility of a case, a set of Evidence Rubrics were created to help evaluators make evaluation judgments in a more structured, transparent, and credible manner. The 5 criteria Tom chose for assessing standards of case-based evidence are:

  1. plausibility;
  2. uniqueness;
  3. triangulation;
  4. transparency, and;
  5. independence.

For each criterion, there is a five-point scale (see the example of this scale in the blog).

In summary, rubrics are intended to be versatile.  Evaluators can choose different weights for the relative importance of the five criteria, they can adapt the descriptors in the boxes, they can choose fewer or more levels on a scale. Evaluators can even choose different criteria entirely. Whichever way, rubrics should help evaluators to make evaluative judgments more structured, transparent, and credible. Using these rubrics can also help evaluators make better choices even before collecting data because they will help define (and potentially raise) standards beforehand.

Click here to read Khulisa’s blog the Value of Contribution and Evidence Rubrics for Evaluations by guest evaluator Tom Aston for more information.

