Date: June 15, 2021

Khulisa is developing an evidence gap map (EGM) for our Scaling Up Nutrition Learning and Evaluation (SUN LE) project in Zambia. In a previous #EvalTuesdayTip, we covered 14 quick links to great Evidence Maps. This week, Khulisa covers evidence gap maps and how they can help you with your evaluations, whether you are a donor, researcher or decision-maker.

What is an Evidence Gap Map (EGM)?

Evidence gap maps are collections of evidence that show the existing research in a specific area, sector or subsector. The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation group publish a brilliant report on how to create and use Evidence Gap Maps. Each section of the evidence gap map gives a visual representation of the existing research reviews for a particular topic. These reviews receive a rating based on the quality of their evidence. The empty spaces on an evidence gap map represent opportunities for future research reviews. 3ie has created this tool to help you make your own evidence gap map.

Why you should use EGMs

Whether you are a donor, researcher or decision maker, here’s how minding the evidence gap map can help you:

For donors:

  • Enables researches to use funding more strategically by focusing on evidence gaps
  • Provide data that helps inform where to prioritize new research funding
  • Indicate important gaps in available evidence, such as where there are minimal-to-no primary studies
  • Help to ensure that limited resources are spent funding studies that matter

Visit this list of available EGMs to aid your research.

For researchers:

  • Aid in deciding where your next project should focus
  • Allow for easy access to studies that can inform your research design
  • Help to avoid undertaking systematic reviews that end up (re)concluding that more research is needed

Here is a tool on Evidence Gaps in the Health Sector: Visual Impairment.

For policy decision makers:

  • Are relatively quick to conduct (as is needed in policymaking)
  • Allow for the selection of the best existing systematic reviews currently available on a particular topic
  • Provide access to summaries and appraisals for decision makers to peruse through

Visit this list of available EGMs to aid your research.

