Date: March 24, 2020

We are now sailing through unchartered waters. The world as we know it is changing, from the way we work, socialise, study, shop, invest, consume news, participate in political processes, practice religion and plan for the future.  

As evaluators, it’s critical to journal these experiences to preserve the learning for future generations. We need clear records of how M&E is evolving during a time of Corona, how work practices are shifting and how we need to rethink data collection processes, to name a few.  

To do so, we need to be rigorous in our record-keeping. Here are 5 resources to help evaluators think about how to document these changes:

  • Better Evaluation’s guide on logs & diaries
  • An academic article on using digital photography & journaling in evaluation of education programs
  • An Oxfam blog on how impact diaries can help us working in complex environments
  •’s resource on project diaries or learning tools
  • Five lessons from FHI on using video diaries in M&E

On Monday 23 March, Khulisa’s US Office moved all its operations to work from home, and on Thursday 26 March, our South African office is following suit. This new way of working calls for novel approaches in M&E, and as our #EvalTuesdayTip suggests, meticulous record-keeping.  

Khulisa will be keeping weekly diaries of our experiences and will be posting them every Wednesday for the next three weeks, wrapping it up with a blog that makes some predictions of how the world of M&E is set to change after COVID-19.  

Don’t miss our weekly content!

